Swim Diaper Policy

For our little ones who haven’t finished potty training

Our Requirements

At Little Kickers, the cleanliness of our water is a huge priority. We’re committed to maintaining a sparkling pool, and for our tiny non-potty-trained swimmers, the magic word is Double Diaper Defense! These snug, dual-protected swim diapers are your child’s passport to a carefree splash, designed with an extra layer to squeeze out that essential fifth minute, as per the CDC’s note that swim diapers can only secure against leaks for 3-5 minutes. Every moment is crucial to prevent pool closures and secure a smooth, delightful swim for all! So, parents of our cherished Little Kickers, let’s team up for safety and uninterrupted joy with our double armor against accidents!

Preparing for Lessons

All children who are not potty trained (no accidents in the last three months) must wear two snug-fitting reusable swim diapers. The bottom layer must be a Finis Reusable Swim Diaper, and the top layer must be a Splash About Happy Nappy Swim Diaper. See below for pictures!

Children are not required to wear a swimsuit or additional layer on top of their swim diapers. We do not allow the use of any type of disposable diaper in the pool. These diapers do not keep solids from entering the pool. In addition, please do not bring your child to class if they have had diarrhea within the past two days.

You are welcome to buy these diapers in our facility or they are both available online.

At the Pool

Here’s the Splash-Down: When your tiny aqua-adventurer is all geared up, waddle them over to our Host Stand or Front Desk. Our Swim-Safety-Squad will perform a swift, expert check to ensure everything’s ship-shape and leak-proof!

And here comes the fun: Once your kiddo gets the nod, they’ll be anointed with a stamp of ultimate cuteness – a sweet, irresistible mark that’s more than just ink. It's a ticket to a clean, joyous splash-fest! This dainty stamp isn’t just for show; it’s a beacon for our instructors, a silent nod that whispers, “Ready for watery fun!”

Thanks, dear swim-parents, for joining forces with us in this grand endeavor to keep our beloved pool pristine and gleaming, a true watery wonderland for all! Together, let’s dive into cleaner, happier, and more sparkling aquatic adventures! 🏊‍♂️🌟

Happy Splashing! 🐳🎈